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2014 News

Prize Fund announced

Due to the high number of entries, we are pleased to confirm that the prize fund for this year’s Festival is in excess of £4500. We try and spread the prizes as much as we can, balancing rewarding the top finishers but also trying to make sure that those finishing just behind have something to show for their efforts as well. Last year, with a smaller prize fund, over 50 athletes won something.

In addtion to this, there are two separate awards for the best local team over the weekend.

Finally, if you are a junior or vet and finish in say 4th place, you will win the highest value prize between 1st junior/vet and 4th overall. You do not win two prizes! Full breakdown of prizes here (Excel spreadsheet)

Free entry offer for Manx Harriers members

One of the big highlights of the Isle of Man’s athletics year is now just three months away. The IOM Easter Festival of Running is now into its 52nd year and is always a great opportunity for local athletes to run in large fields against athletes of all standards from all over the British Isles and beyond.

Not only is it a rare opportunity to compete against fields of this size and quality without having to pay to travel off-island, if you are a member of Manx Harriers you can compete for FREE! The club have generously offered free entries to club members who enter the full Festival (i.e. all 3 races). The offer does NOT apply to single races. This offer is worth £16.

No team from Manx Harriers completed the full Festival last year, despite the fact that cash prizes were on offer for the best male and best female teams from local clubs. This did not reflect well on the club, but hopefully the offer of free entries will help to attract plenty of club members to complete the full Festival this time!

To take advantage of this offer, you need to enter by post only (the online entry system isn’t set up for this offer) by the closing date for entries which is 5th April. Entry forms are available here

Please note that the offer covers entries only – if you want a t-shirt / ticket for the presentation / coach travel to the Friday and Saturday races, you will have to pay for these. So for example if you want a full Festival package which is worth £27, you will need to pay £11. Or if you want entries for the 3 races plus a presentation ticket (but not t-shirt or coach), you will need to pay £5. Please write ‘Manx Harriers Offer’ in the Amount Due boxes that correspond to the three races.

Please note however – you MUST BE A FULLY PAID UP member of Manx Harriers for 2014 to take advantage of this offer. Another good reason to get your subs paid today!! (Thanks to Dave Griffiths)

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